Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Realtors Get Better Prices for THEIR Homes!

Do you think that the realtors demand high prices when selling their own houses? The National Association of Realtors answered that question in 2005 by gathering data on what was called “Freakonomics,” and they weren’t able to deny the fact of the book’s statistical data.

According to Realty Times, the news provider on real estate, one of the main reasons for this is that the realtors know how to properly evaluate their properties so that they can sell a house quick and earn high prices on resale. They are able to analyze the resale values of the houses they purchase for themselves as they try to get a higher value at sale time.

It has also been revealed by the National Association of Realtors that it is important to set the right price. Unfortunately, some people try to sell their home by setting their prices based on greed, need or ego.

In a real estate market that’s particularly tough such as what you see in the United States today, the sellers are often pricing their homes according to what they need so that they can buy a new property. However, this won’t help to sell your house quick.

When you want to sell your house quick, you have to know the proper strategies that you can utilize so that you can successfully sell your property in no time. If you see that your neighbour was able to sell their home for an attractive price, this doesn’t mean to say that you follow, unless your house is really more valuable or when the market conditions have changed.

It has been found out that the chances of those homeowners who are attempting to sell house quick are greater when they do the necessary renovations and refurnishing of their homes. Making the property attractive to impress the interested buyers surely makes a difference. Moreover, it is important that the property’s value is not priced so high.

Finally, the last piece of the puzzle in the selling process is to decide which offer to accept. In this part of the selling process, you are the decision maker. Consider the best deal of course in order to earn a good profit and for the property to not stay in the listing for too long.

For more information and Resources, visit: Sell House Quick Info.com.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things to Consider When Selling Your House Quickly

You've finally made the decision to sell your house, but now you're wondering how you can sell your house quickly. In fact, the quicker you sell your house the better price you'll get for it. It's a little bit of a catch 22!

The reason I say that is because the longer the house is on the market, the more you'll be tempted to lower the price. However, try to refrain from lowering the price a little at a time. Buyers will see this as they are constantly comparing prices, and will start to keep an eye on your house in case you lower the price again. That doesn't exactly help sell a house quick.

Some things to consider when you're looking at how to sell your house quick are if you are going to sell it yourself, or use a Real Estate Agent. Another thing you might want to consider is offering a rent to own or Lease Option. For these things you will definitely want to hire someone to help you with the paperwork.

Lease Options are a little tricky because usually the people who are looking for them can't get a loan from the bank. So you're taking the risk of being the bank for a little while, with hopes that the people will finally get their lives back together and be able to purchase the house in a timely manner.

You should talk to a local Real Estate Agent to discuss your options. You can usually get some advice for free with the first discussion, so go in prepared to ask as many questions as you can while you're there. The Agent can always stop you and ask you to sign a contract, but it doesn't do any harm to try to get as much information before that as possible.

There are a lot of things to think about, so take some time to mull things over. Then be as prepared as you can to sell your house quick with the options you have decided on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two Secret Methods to Sell Your House Quick

Every market has its ups and downs when it comes to selling a house.  But it could be even more difficult if you need to sell your house quickly. It doesn't really matter why you need a fast sale, the fact is that you do, and here are some ways to sell your house quick that you might not have thought of before.

Put an ad on Craigslist! Yes, it's amazing, but people actually do search Craigslist for homes to buy and if yours isn't there, you're missing out on a good opportunity to sell your house quick. Just make sure you add two or three really nice pictures and a good description so you don't spend all day asking questions.  I would NOT suggest putting your address in the ad, maybe just your city and state. Just look at the other ads for houses for sale and copy their format.

Another place people think about first when they go to buy something is eBay. I bet you didn't know that you can place a House For Sale on EBay for about $150.  Now, I've never done this, so be SURE there aren't hidden fees before you list. But if you sell your house quick by yourself, even if it was a little more expensive on EBay, you would still be saving on Broker Commissions.

If you've tried these two things and they haven't worked yet, and you're still not ready to hire a broker, spend some money to have your house listed with a popular MLS listing service.  This can be one that advertises in local magazines, or on-line.  These days it seems like people look online before they even begin to search for a Real Estate Agent.  So it might pay back again in saved commissions to use a listing service to list your house. I think they cost around $250, but remember, your ad will be seen across the Internet, and again, you never know whose looking.

The most important thing is to make your house look beautiful!  Make sure it's cleaned up with not too much furniture inside to make it look cluttered.  Also, if you're paying for listings either at a listing service or through eBay, make sure your house looks REALLY nice.  If you don't have a wide-angle lens, you might consider renting one for a day or two to take some very complementary pictures of your house so people can see at a glance what they'll be looking at when they get there.

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